Important Things to Know…
- For most regimens, exams are scheduled prior to each new cycle of chemo. It is important that you keep all scheduled exam appointments since this is a time when the physician decides if you need to continue treatment. If you miss an exam appointment, your chemo appointment will be delayed until you have been seen by the doctor. This is to ensure that you are not only due for chemo but also healthy enough to receive chemo. These decisions are made with your best interest in mind. It is very important that you stay on your chemo schedule in order to have the best results possible.
- Prior to each exam and each chemo treatment, you will need to have labs drawn. Please make sure you are in the lab at your scheduled appointment time so that results will be available by the time you are brought into a room to see the doctor or nurse. Your schedule should reflect whether there is a need for labs or not. If you feel you need labs and they are not ordered or vice versa, please let a nurse or someone at the front desk know so that we may review your schedule.
- It is very important that you keep your scheduled appointment time when at all possible. We understand that things come up and appointment times may need to be changed. We simply ask that if you cannot come to a scheduled appointment that you please call and notify us so that we can make adjustments as needed. We appreciate your help in this matter so that we can keep the infusion rooms and doctors office flowing as efficiently as possible. If we all work together, we can keep your wait time to a minimum!
- When being "checked in" at any appointment, please let the medical assistant know any medications that you are taking. This includes anything prescribed by a physician or purchased over the counter. Please bring either your medications or a list with you to each appointment so that we have an accurate medication record at all times. This is important so that we can avoid medication interactions. If you have any pain medication that you are currently taking and may need to use during your visit, please bring it with you as we do NOT keep ANY pain medication in stock at the offices.
- Avoid all aspirin or aspirin containing medications while on chemo unless otherwise directed by your physician. Click here for a list of medications containing aspirin.
- We strongly suggest that you avoid alcohol, cigarette and/or drug use because this may interfere with your chemotherapy or other medications. However, if you do continue to use these, it is important to let your Nurse or Doctor know prior to any treatments.
- Eat a well balanced diet. Feel free to bring food and/or drink with you to the infusion center, as some of you will be here for an extended period of time. You should try to drink 2-3 quarts of fluid per day while undergoing chemotherapy. We suggest that you start this the day before chemo and continue for several days after.
- Please check with us prior to having dental surgery or dental work of any kind performed.
- You may bring someone with you on chemo days. Medications that you are given on treatment day may make it difficult for you to drive. This is especially important on your first treatment day. Please do not bring children to the infusion center. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
- If you call the office looking for test results, please be aware that it may take 2-3 days to get back to you. For abnormal results or results needing immediate follow up, calls will be returned ASAP.