When receiving chemotherapy, good oral care is extremely important. During chemo and radiation, your mouth and throat may develop dryness, redness, swelling, sores and/or pain. Good oral care is extremely important to help prevent infections. Sometimes soreness in the mouth or an increase in sensitivity to hot or cold foods may be an early sign of oral problems. Oral infections may appear as tender red areas, ulcers, cold sores or white patches. Below is a list of ways to maintain good oral care and treatment issues you may have. Always let your doctor or nurse know when you are having pain or sores in the mouth or throat.
General Care
- Brush your teeth after every meal and at bedtime. Use a soft bristle toothbrush to avoid injury to the gums
- Replace your toothbrush frequently and always after an oral infection
- Rinse your mouth with a water, salt and baking soda solution four times per day. (2 teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon baking soda and one quart of water). Avoid commercial mouthwashes, which often contain alcohol tha can cause burning and dry mouth
- Use lip balm of yor choice to keep lips moist
- Zinc lozenges 3-4 times daily may decrease the metallic taste often experienced with chemotherapy
Care for Mouth Sores
- Avoid foods and juices that are high in acid such as tomato's, oranges, and grapefruits
- Avoid spices and salt
- Avoid cigarettes and Alcohol
- Keep mouth and gums clean to prevent an infection
- Maintain fluid intake to prevent dehydration
- Leave dentures, bridges or other dental work out until healing has occurred
- If you have been given prescriptions specifically for mouth sores, use as directed
- Let your Doctor or Nurse know!
Care for Sore Throat
- Soften foods by adding liquid to them
- Make food easier to swallow by using a blender
- Using a straw may make swallowing easier
- Eat soft foods, such as mashed potatoes, yogurt, eggs, custard, milk shakes, or macaroni